Wednesday, July 3, 2013


PTM has had a rough patch lately.  This summer, the building has been robbed five times in the last thirteen days.  The most recent robbery was last Saturday; however, before this summer PTM had only been robbed three times in the past six years.  It is the same thing every time—someone shoots out the playground and office door windows with a BB gun—then steals whatever he, or she, can find in the office.  After the second robbery, Chan replaced the locks along with the windows for a second time.  The third break-in occurred over the following weekend, but this time nothing was taken.  Not to mention the windows on the bus door were also shot out. The locks were changed once again.  This time, Chan had the wonderful idea of writing a note to the thief, or thieves, in an attempt to slow the perpetrator(s) down in order for the alarm system to alert the police more quickly.  Above is the picture of the note and Chan did really leave the empty cash box sitting outside the door, but the robber(s) still broke into the office.  Once again nothing was taken.  Thankfully, there have been no break-ins this week which is excellent considering the cost of replacing the windows. Yesterday, a few of the exterior doors’ windows were painted over with some type of hardening mix, and today the rest will have the same thing done.  Hopefully this will be a solution to the problem and no more robberies will occur.   


  1. Andrew, what a sad situation. Burglary and property damage is sad enough, but when it happens to a program like this that helps the community, it is really disheartening. I'm sure that the money spent fixing all the damage and replacing the stolen items would be better served helping the kids. I feel bad about the outdated computers as well. I wonder if there might be a way for a company to donate computers that are "outdated" by their standards. (Most companies replace computers every 2-3 years, so even an "old" computer to a company might be "new" for PTM.) You might ask Mr. Compton or Mrs. Huff about reaching out to companies for computer donations--this would be an excellent additional project! Most importantly though, I'm glad you are getting some time to interact with the kids, serving as a role model and showing them how you care about them. Your mentions of the fountains reminds me that I've not been to the fountains in a long time--I'll have to take my kids out this summer! Keep up the good work! --Mr. Kaiser

  2. Hey Mr. Kaiser! Sorry I am just now seeing this. The idea of having a company potentially donate computers has come up, but I do not know how much progress was made towards it. I will definitely get in touch with Mrs. Huff and see what options she has on her end. Besides these unfortunate robberies, my experience has been really great and I am sad that it is my last week.
